function menu_init_script(){ //Sidebar Accordion Menu: $("#main-nav li ul").hide(); // Hide all sub menus $("#main-nav li a.current").parent().find("ul").slideToggle("slow"); // Slide down the current menu item's sub menu $("#main-nav li a.nav-top-item").click( // When a top menu item is clicked... function () { $(this).parent().siblings().find("ul").slideUp("normal"); // Slide up all sub menus except the one clicked $(this).next().slideToggle("normal"); // Slide down the clicked sub menu return false; } ); $("#main-nav li").click( // When a menu item with no sub menu is clicked... function () { window.location.href=(this.href); // Just open the link instead of a sub menu return false; } ); // Sidebar Accordion Menu Hover Effect: $("#main-nav li .nav-top-item").hover( function () { $(this).stop().animate({ paddingRight: "25px" }, 200); }, function () { $(this).stop().animate({ paddingRight: "15px" }); } ); } function template_init_script(){ //Minimize Content Box $(".content-box-header h3").css({ "cursor":"s-resize" }); // Give the h3 in Content Box Header a different cursor $(".closed-box .content-box-content").hide(); // Hide the content of the header if it has the class "closed" $(".closed-box .content-box-tabs").hide(); // Hide the tabs in the header if it has the class "closed" $(".content-box-header h3").click( // When the h3 is clicked... function () { $(this).parent().next().toggle(); // Toggle the Content Box $(this).parent().parent().toggleClass("closed-box"); // Toggle the class "closed-box" on the content box $(this).parent().find(".content-box-tabs").toggle(); // Toggle the tabs } ); // Content box tabs: $('.content-box .content-box-content').hide(); // Hide the content divs $('ul.content-box-tabs li a.default-tab').addClass('current'); // Add the class "current" to the default tab $('.content-box-content div.default-tab').show(); // Show the div with class "default-tab" $('.content-box ul.content-box-tabs li a').click( // When a tab is clicked... function() { $(this).parent().siblings().find("a").removeClass('current'); // Remove "current" class from all tabs $(this).addClass('current'); // Add class "current" to clicked tab var currentTab = $(this).attr('href'); // Set variable "currentTab" to the value of href of clicked tab $(currentTab).siblings().hide(); // Hide all content divs $(currentTab).show(); // Show the content div with the id equal to the id of clicked tab return false; } ); //Close button: $(".close").click( function () { $(this).parent().fadeTo(400, 0, function () { // Links with the class "close" will close parent $(this).slideUp(400); }); return false; } ); // Alternating table rows: $('tbody tr:even').addClass("alt-row"); // Add class "alt-row" to even table rows // Check all checkboxes when the one in a table head is checked: $('.check-all').click( function(){ $(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().find("input[type='checkbox']").attr('checked', $(this).is(':checked')); } ) // Initialise Facebox Modal window: $('a[rel*=modal]').facebox(); // Applies modal window to any link with attribute rel="modal" // Initialise jQuery WYSIWYG: // $(".wysiwyg").wysiwyg(); // Applies WYSIWYG editor to any textarea with the class "wysiwyg" } $(document).ready(function(){ menu_init_script(); template_init_script(); });